Zulu Shooters Club Bylaws

Zulu Shooters Club – Chapter Bylaws
(The following bylaws are hereby set forth to manage the actions of the members of this chapter and are in compliance with the rules and policies set forth in the bylaws of the national NAAGA organization.)

Article 1 – Name, Mission, and Purposes

1.1. Name: Zulu Shooters Club

1.2. Mission: Develop a fellowship of African Americans, and other like-minded individuals and groups, in the St. Louis, Missouri and surrounding areas, who are interested in learning and promoting the full benefits of gun ownership to the African American community. (See: New Members Zulu Mission Statement)

1.3. Purposes:

1.3.1. Introduce the African American community to the use of firearms for self-defense, home defense, recreational shooting, competitive shooting, and other fun activities associated with gun ownership.

1.3.2. Educate the African American community on proper responsible gun ownership in an effort to reduce the fear of gun ownership and properly manage and protect themselves, their families, and their property.

1.3.3. Train the African American community on the safe use of firearms, and the responsibilities of safe gun ownership to develop effective situational preparedness and safe ways to mitigate the inherent risks associated with gun ownership

1.3.4. Preserve, protect, defend, and promote the 2nd Amendment right of African Americans, to own and bear firearms

Article 2: Membership and Dues

2.1. Zulu Shooters Club, St. Louis Missouri NAAGA chapter, membership is for the fiscal year, April 1st to March 31st of the next year. After one year, membership must be renewed with the National Organization and with Zulu Shooters Club Chapter. The renewal with Zulu Shooters Club will be accomplished by paying the annual chapter dues, and through an agreement to continue to subscribe to the bylaws, with attention to the mission and purposes of the National Organization and this chapter. Renewing Members will pay their dues between April 1st and 30th. Any members who don’t renew by the April 30th will be assessed a $10 late fee until May 31st then will be removed from all chapter communication methods and lose all right and privileges of Zulu Shooters Club membership.

2.2. Membership Eligibility:

2.2.1. Be at least 18 years old (Anyone under the age 18 can participate in special events and activities but must be always supervised and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

2.2.2. Subscribe and agree to the Mission and Purposes of Zulu Shooters Club

2.2.3. Any persons expressing interest in the National Organization NAAGA and Zulu Shooters Club must not have a felony conviction, nor a misdemeanor conviction for domestic violence which has not been pardoned or expunged and rights to possess a firearm restored.
2.2.4. You must maintain legal eligibility to own and possess firearms under federal and state laws. If legal eligibility is lost at any time during the term of membership, that membership is void and henceforth immediately made inactive.

2.2.5. Membership shall not be denied to any person based on race, color, age, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical disability

2.2.6. Members must pay the National Organization annual dues and the annual dues of Zulu Shooters Club as prescribed in section 2.9 below.

2.2.7. Members must agree to and sign an annual Zulu Shooters Club Waiver of Liability & Zulu Shooters Club Landowner Waiver of Liability. These Waivers consist of the acknowledgment of risk and dangers of shooting activities, that it’s the members responsibility to be physically conditioned to participate in the selected training, that liabilities may arise from personal negligence or carelessness within the owners equipment, that the Zulu Shooters Club, the members, the facilitator and the facility for training can not be held liable for damages or injuries for indirect use of the provided instruction, and the understanding that photo and video’s maybe use for public viewing.

2.3. Membership Rights: All rights, rules, regulations, and bylaws shall apply equally to all members who meet the membership eligibility outlined in Sections 2.1 thru 2.5.

2.4. Membership Responsibilities and Duties:

2.4.1. Support and promote the organization through word-of-mouth, social media, participation in meetings and events, and a commitment to the mission and purposes of the organization, as outlined in Article 1.

2.4.2. Report any suspicious, nefarious, or potentially dangerous or harmful information to leadership.

2.4.3. Represent the organization in a professional and thoughtful manner that encourages and supports positive and responsible images of African American gun ownership.

2.4.4. To always adhere to the National Organization’s Five Rules of Gun Safety.

*ALWAYS treat ALL guns as if they are loaded.
*ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
*ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are consciously ready to shoot.
*ALWAYS be sure of your target and what is both in front of and beyond it.
*If your gun falls, let it drop. Do not try to catch it.

2.5. Transfer of Membership: Membership is not transferable or assignable.

2.6. Termination of Membership:

2.6.1. Members may terminate their membership at any time and notify any member in leadership. Leadership will document said member termination. No Dues Refund.

2.6.2. Leadership, per bylaws, Zulu mission statement, or federal and state law retains the authority to impose sanctions, or terminate any member, or members, based on good cause. Good cause includes, but is not limited to: suspicious behavior, inappropriate behavior, unsafe firearm handling, potentially harmful life threatening actions, or speech non-adherence to any portion of the bylaws or Zulu mission statement.

2.6.3. Leadership must document sanctions and terminations, and maintain this documentation in a file.

2.6.4. Upon termination, all rights and privileges of a member no longer exist.

2.6.5. A former member may submit a written request for reinstatement of membership. Upon agreement to reinstate, the former member shall pay the appropriate dues plus a $10 late fee to become current. The chapter leadership may reinstate membership on any terms they deem appropriate.

2.7. New Member Orientation Class (NMOC) and the Marksmanship Proficiency Assessment (MPA) are required to participate in any regular shooting event sanctioned by the chapter, except special events.

2.7.1. “Special Events” will be noted and determined by current leadership.

2.7.2. “Special Events” Non-members participant will be require to sign a Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement.

2.8. CCW: All members will be encouraged to obtain their Conceal Carry License within the first year of membership.

2.9. Dues: All National and Zulu annual dues must be paid to be a member of these chapters.

2.9.1. NAAGA National annual dues are subject to change and will follow the limits set forth by the National bylaws.

NAAGA National Dues: per year
Individual $39, Couple $59, Family $89

Zulu Shooters Club Dues: $60 per year

2.9.2. “Family” as prescribed in Section 2.9.1 above, refers to immediate family members living in a member’s household, preferably under the age of 18 years old. Immediate family members 21 and over not living in a member’s household must join this chapter as a separate member.

2.9.3. New Members will join Zulu at a prorated rate, based upon the Month Joined.

New Members 12-month dues proration chart

All Renewing Members must pay their dues between the 1st and 30th of April each year

2.9.4. Leadership will maintains a ledger, electronic or otherwise, which documents Zulu Shooters Club finances, expenses, member dues, and other monetary actions of the chapter. Leadership will show said above ledger to any Zulu Shooters Club Member that request to see it.

2.9.5. Training and Safety

2.9.6. The President may appoint the leadership positions of Certified Firearms trainers, with the title of Training and Safety, Instructor Lead and RSO Lead.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: full participation in leadership meetings and decisions, range safety and range training for all members during organization range time, general firearms safety at all meetings and events, upcoming training pertinent to members, safe handling, use, and proper care of firearms, developing and establishing training programs and other opportunities for members, and any coordination of upcoming competitive shooting training, and dissemination of relevant information.

This appointed leadership role(s) will also be in charge of ensuring that every training session has an appropriate first aid kit which has the essential items for the training session at hand.

Article 3: Other Provisions

3.1. The President may appoint the leadership position to maintain the day to day needs of Zulu Shooters Club website. The webmaster will report consisting of number of views sense the last meeting and all new registration / membership request. The webmaster will also input any chapter activities / events on the respective website calendars and be responsible for the monthly members email communication methods.

3.2. Any member of Zulu Shooters Club must obtain approval from the President prior to giving any media interviews on social media, in print, on radio, or on TV. The President must first obtain approval from the National President, at least 3 days in advance of giving consent for any member to conduct such media interview.